Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Treat or Treat

Tonight was scheduled Trick or Treating in our building.  You start by writing your apt number and time on the Trick or Treat List a few days before and when you're ready to go you just grab the paper from the door man and off you go!

In past years Mikey was "Tigger" and "Elmo" and this year he decided to be....a "Fireman."  No shock there. He refused to wear his jacket. Katie last year was a "Teddy Bear" (3 months old) and this year she was "Ariel the Ballerina" (that's what the tag said).

Anyway, we started at 5 and rather than follow my suggestion which was to start at the top and take the stairs down (easier), we started on our floor and took the stairs up.  More difficult but I guess it worked off of some of the candy we later gorged ourselves with. Ugh.

There weren't as many apts. handing out candy as I would have thought in a building our size however it was just the perfect number of apartments for my kids ages.  We hit most of those handing out candy but not all. 

Mikey was adorable and knocked very gently on the doors and immediately shouted "Trick or Treat" before they had a chance to open their doors.  Once they handed out the candy Mikey quickly reached in to grab a piece and then kept talking to them while his sidekick Katie went in for the kill grabbing piece after piece after piece of candy.  She acted like she didn't hear me say "only 1 piece" for the 100th time.  They didn't mind as they thought she was sooo cute, so she made out with more candy than Mikey. 

Katie when asked to say "Trick or Treat" said "Treat".  She's no dummy!

We walked around the building gathering candy for a little over an hour and then headed back to our apt. to hand out candy for another hour.  Mikey and Katie loved racing to the door when there was a knock or the door bell was rung.  Mikey excitedly opened the door and said "Trick or Treat" and gave the kids candy.  He really got the hang of it!  Now whenever we have a delivery or the phone rings he says "Trick or Treat!"

It was a successful first Halloween in the city for us!  I really liked that we didn't have to bundle up the kids so you couldn't see their costumes in cold weather.

We got this list. It was 2 pages long.

She did not want to hold her pumpkin.

Our door.

Their ghost footprints.

Happy Halloween.

Katie started at our door while Scott and Mikey got the list.

Tootsie Roll. Success!

There is the fireman!

Trying to stop Katie from getting another piece.

Now he's really mad that she got a lollipop.

This is pretty much how the night went.  Mikey got his 1 piece and was excited to go to the next door while Katie kept happily picking candy out of the bowls.

I know its fuzzy, but again, Mikey one piece and Katie digging right on it.

Yay for no jackets!

Lots of decorated doors.

At home digging into their stash.

Received not only candy but a book and stuffed ghosts as well.

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