Saturday, October 20, 2012

Street Festival

Today we headed 3 blocks over to the Yorkville Community School's street festival.  They had pumpkin decorating, games, face paint, tie dye t-shirts, food, jacob's ladders, a rock wall and a bouncy house.  Mikey really wanted to climb the rock wall but the line was 90 minutes long so instead we waited in line for the bounce house which Mikey was really excited to go into....until it was actually his turn.  He cried and cried and cried.  I had to go in and get him and then take him down the slide to get out.

He also tried cotton candy for the first time and wasn't sure about it initially but once he gathered up the courage to try it he wanted more and more and more.

Long line for the wall.

He really really wanted to climb up it.

Justice League Bounce House.

His scared, come get me face.

Nana got him a cotton candy.

Still hasn't tried it after holding it a while.

Getting our picture with the bouncy house in the background.

Getting our pic. with the rock wall behind us.

Our friend Madison and her beautiful butterfly face.

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