Friday, October 26, 2012

Sick, Sick, Sick - times 3

Colds have been going around in our family for the past 2 plus weeks.  It started with Katie getting a cough.  Nothing serious but a cough that lasted at least a week.  Then all of a sudden Thursday night Mikey woke twice with serious coughing fits that made his throat hurt so bad he was crying and only making it worse.  His cough sounded like a "barking seal" and he had a hard time catching his breath.  Luckily this happened early in the morning, like 4 am, so I stayed up with him and we took him and Katie to the docs. first thing on Friday. 

Katie was fine but Mikey had croup.  Yikes!  Good thing we took him to the doctors.  The doc. put him on a steriod for 3 days and the croup went away but was followed with a persistent cough and a runny nose and no appetite that will last a week to 10 days.  Typical, after croup symptoms. 

Then Katie recently got sick.  A combination of teething, fever for 3 days, coughing, and runny nose means that she hasn't slept well in 3 nights which means that I haven't slept well in 3 nights.  Poor girl.  She finally had a bottom tooth pop up.

Now Scott is sick, with fever, chills, cough, sore throat.  Yikes.

I've cleaned all the bedding, towels.  Cleaned the apt. top to bottom and sanitized every surface we touch.  I'm hoping I'm not next. 

Poor guy, getting some extra Z's.

I really don't like when they get sick.  Makes me worry.

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