Monday, October 29, 2012

Surviving Sandy

We celebrated Mikey's birthday the same day Hurrican Sandy came to town.  We did okay during the day but around 7pm we noticed some of our windows in our heavily windowed living room were starting to bow inward.  We immediately called our buildings maintenance team and they came to our apt. within 1 minute.  The guys said that part of our windows frame was missing and that it was very dangerous. 

Knowing that the strongest winds were yet to come they quickly reinforced the window and we were okay after that.  There were a few times where the wind was so strong that I was sure our windows were going to blow in and so I grabbed Mikey and ran into the bedroom.

We had extremely strong winds from about 8pm to 1am.  Scott had no trouble falling asleep since he took a dose of Nyquil to help with his cold.  Katie was okay sleeping until 11pm then woke up and I was up with her until 1am.  Mikey said he was scared so he slept in our bed during the night.  The wind was so loud I wasn't able to go to bed.  1am was when the winds really died down to practically nothing and that was about the end of the major winds.

Our friends that live on the top floor were evacuated from their floor and told to hang out in the party and playrooms on the 3rd floor.  Overall our building faired pretty well.  We had 1 window in the lobby blown inward and our same apartment on the 38th floor had a window that blew in.  We never lost power!  They guys said our building had wind gusts of up to 160mph Monday night, but I'm not sure how they could know that for sure.

Reinforcing the window.

Mikey loved all the power tools they brought up and loved their flashlights and walkie-talkies.

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