Wednesday, October 17, 2012

9/11 Memorial

Mikey had school in the morning (Nana picked him up while I got my hair cut..finally!) but we decided to go to the 9/11 Memorial in the afternoon.  We got our tickets online and took the express subway (or as Mikey likes to call it the "downtown train") to the Fulton St. Stop.  We went thru a pretty secure entrance, picture cameras everywhere and going thru security similar to the airport, showing our tickets about 5 times before we were finally able to get to the actual memorial.

Seeing pictures and video of it on TV is completely different than seeing it in real person.  It was very peaceful, calm and screne.  There is still lots of construction going on the buildings that will be part of the entire memorial are still being built as well as buildings in the surrounding area.

I can't imagine what it looked like on 9/11.  While at the memorial, it brought back the memory of what I was doing on that day 11 years ago. I was a freshman in college at The University of Pittsburgh and had just gotten back from Chemistry class when I saw postings everywhere that classes had been cancelled for the rest of the day. Flight 93 crashed down just 65 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

I was so glad to have seen the memorial for the first time with my mom.  Mikey slept the entire time and we were able to stroll along the entire memorial taking it all in and not feeling rushed in the slightest.

A must see here in NY.

View of the tower right off the subway.  We see this shimmering in the distance at night time.

Nana in front of the tower.

The kids and I at the entrance.

Hard to see but this small 10 foot wide area to get into security housed at least 12 cameras that I counted.

The South Tower Pool

Mom and I and Katie at the South Pool.  Not sure to smile or not.

A different view of the south pool.

Miss Katie loved the soothing water noise.

She won't remember this but I'll show her pictures when she is older.

Mikey and Nana. He is still sleeping.

Katie and I.

This name "Vanessa Lang Langer and Her Unborn Child" just tugs at your heart strings.

No matter the vantage point, you can't see the bottom of the center pool.

View from the base.

He he woke up for a brieft second.

Woops, he fell back asleep again.

The survivor tree.  You can see the gnarled stumps followed by smooth branches.  The only tree to survive the attack.

Nana in front of the tree.

Katie and I in front of the tree.

Some items on display from that horrific day.  There was still soot and debris on this helmet.

Survivor Tree.

Someone woke up!

Love this flag!  So proud to be an American.

Pic. 1...this makes it feel personal.

Pic. 2

Pic. 3.  Can imagine what she must have went thru to see her personal items like this.  Her mangeled keys, scorched cell phone and melted cards.

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