Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Some fun around town - The Villages

We wanted to have a down day before spending another action packed day at Disney so we hung around The Village and had some fun!

We took the kids on a "date" for breakfast.
It's fun to take video of people when they think you're taking a picture.  These two love each other so much.  After 5 minutes of watching them do this I just had to capture this sweet moment.

One of the 3 town centers in The Villages.  Such pretty decorations everywhere.

Katie and I wanted our picture in front of the tree.  Someone else did not.

Cuties. Can you tell who did not was their picture taken?

Op, there he is!

A cute little farmers market on a rainy day that we walked through.

The kids have plenty of space to run and play.

They spot a movie theater.  Let's see what's playing!
 Since it was raining a little bit and kind of cold, we weren't able to bust our our swim suits we packed so we took the kids to the movies instead.  Since it was 2 days before Thanksgiving, we saw Free Birds.  A movie about two turkey's that go back to the very first Thanksgiving to try and get turkey off the menu.  It was very cute!
Waiting for the movie theater to open.  

Mikey saw this huge ad for the Lego Movie that is coming out in Feb.  We may just have to take him to see that.

A theater almost to ourselves.  They have these little red boaster seats for the kids.  Great idea!

Lunch at the country club over looking the golf course with Grandma.

Scott and him mom, Grandma Bette.

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