Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day of Adventure at Massannutten Resort

Today was our day of adventure at the resort.  Everyone (except Baby Joey) did something.  We had so much fun so won't you come along with us and enjoy the ride. :)

We started our morning by going to the farm and petting zoo and pony ride part of the resort.

Breath taking views from the farm / petting zoo.

Mikey checking out the horses.

Katie's first ride on a horse.  

She is so fearless.  I want to be as fearless as her.  

Bryan rode on one too.  Mikey did not.

Sisters: Me, Jamie and Erica

I wanted Bryan to take a picture of us with the valley and mountains in the back ground.  See picture below of the view from where we were.  Bryan just wasn't tall enough to get the view behind us.

Jamie and Bryan

See video of Katie riding on her horse, Jose above.

After the zoo we went on a hike at the base of the mountain. An easy, flat hike since we had little kiddos with us and it was freezing.  The higher up we go the colder it got!

Bundled up and staying on the trail.

Erica and Joey

Joey did great walking.

A creek to play near.

The trail opened up to this huge open space with a play ground to play on.

After the hike we went up the mountain a little farther to the Adventure Center area.  Bryan went on the kids adventure course that was pretty awesome.  I wanted to go on it!  Mikey really wanted to go on it too.  He met the height and weight requirement but not the age requirement.  You have to be 5.  Maybe next year!

After Bryan was done with course it was time to head over to the zip line / tubing section.  Bryan and Jamie went zip lining and then Erica and I went.  It was my first time and was thrilling and although the zip line was 800 feet long it was over all to fast.

Getting instructions and their equipment on.

A quick pic. and maybe their last if they survive!

That's Jamie about 200 in the air.

Here was Bryan.  Holding on tight!

Jamie and Bryan on the landing strip.

Bryan loved it!

Erica all geared up.

I'm ready to go to.  I sucked in my stomach when they were getting the harnesses on me and could barely breath!

We are excited! My first time zip lining.

Check out that view!

I'm trying to act excited, even though I'm nervous.

Really hoping this harness holds.

Still excited!

After our zip lining I took Mikey tubing.  See the next post for pictures and videos on that and my zip lining experience.  This post is a little to long to add it here.

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