Monday, November 25, 2013

Animal Kingdom - Part 2

Continued from part 1 - Here's what we did during the second half of the day.  We told the kids they were allowed 1 treat and 1 gift for each day we went to Disney.  This was their treat they picked out... Mikey a strawberry Popsicle and Katie wanted chocolate dipped Mikey ice cream.

They Mikey's Jingle Jungle Parade that went on a certain path around the park.  So here we are waiting behind the tape, licking our ice cream while waiting for the parade to pass.

Katie fell asleep almost immediately after her ice cream and slept through the entire parade.  It was very loud but after having such a busy day and falling asleep at 4pm there was nothing that could wake her.

Lots and lots and lots of Disney characters in the parade.

Minnie Mouse!

Goofy dressed as Santa!
The parade was great and I got lots of other video and pictures to show the kids years from now.  After the parade we saw the Nemo show.  It was really cute!

Being silly waiting for the show to start!
After the show we were all exhausted, so we did some shopping so the kids could pick out a toy and drove back home.
Such a happy boy with his Dusty airplane from the movie Panes.  On the car ride home.

1 minute after the above picture was taken.  :)

After the day we all had how they still had energy when we got back home was beyond me.  So wrestling with Daddy to get out that last little bit of energy was fun for everyone.

Sleeping Katie with her Minnie doll she picked out.  Pink and Purple and had Katie written all over it!

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