Friday, November 8, 2013

Mikey's 4 year checkup

Mikey had his 4 year check up at the doctors today.  He received 3 shots which he was not happy about and persisted to be upset almost the entire drive home.  He was also weighted, and measured and had his vision checked along with being a very cooperative patient for the doctor.  All in all great reviews.

The doctor was a little perplexed as to why Mikey was in the 10% for height when he saw how tall I was.  I had to explain that Daddy was not so lucky to have height. :)  Love you hunny!

Mikey was 33.5 lbs and 38 inches tall.  Putting him in the 15-25% for weight and 10% for height.  He's our little guy and we love him to pieces!

Last year for his 3 year check up he weighted 28 lbs and was 36 inches tall.

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