Monday, November 25, 2013

Animal Kingdom - Part 1

We took the kids and Grandma Bette to Animal Kingdom today.  The weather was perfect for going to a theme park.  It was a very busy day and I tried to capture the moments with my camera.  It was our first time taking the kids there and while I don't think we will go back until we go to all the other Disney theme parks, I'm glad we went. It wasn't very crowded but there weren't a whole lot of rides for the kids to go on. There was however a lot of different shows to see.  We saw The Lion King, Nemo, and It's hard to be a bug (4D show) which was fun! Scott and I went on the Expedition Everest Roller Coaster which was really fun!  We can't wait until the kids are a bit taller so they can enjoy everything!

Arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed 30 mins. before the park opened.

Someone doesn't like to get his picture taken.  About to go in!

The tree of life right as you enter!

Here we go!

Our first ride.

Katie and Grandma.


Scott, Mikey and Grandma on the rapids.

The park is so elaborate with themes everywhere.

Family photo in front of the Tree of Life.
Watching the monkeys swing behind them.

The huge Christmas Tree decorated with all animals at Animal Kingdom.

She has her Disney gear on.
Katie's hairdo for the day.  It kept it out of her eyes and face and I didn't have to touch it once.

The smart and short one.  We waited for Scott, Grandma and Mikey to go on the rapids ride.  I didn't want to get wet and Katie was to short.

While we waited everyone who came off just had a sprinkling of water, but Mikey, Grandma and Scott were soaked.  Can you tell from their stance?!  Scott was damp the rest of the day and I had a change of clothes for Mikey.  Grandma wasn't as wet as the boys.

A little snack on a rickshaw.

Wake up Tiger!

Thank you!
After a few rides and seeing animals it was time to hug it out.

And more hugs.

Banging on drums.

He loved it.  I got great videos of him banging away.

And more hugs.

Silly time with Daddy while waiting in line to see The Lion King show.

These two are so cute!

The best thing at Animal Kingdom!

The show was great, but was even better was Scott and I staring at Mikey's face the whole time.  It transformed him.  He will tell you that was his favorite part of the day!

Safari ride time!

Lots of hippos hanging out in the water.

Do you know they can hold their breath for 8 minutes?!

A huge amount of crocs.  

Lots for little Katie to see.

Lots for these two to see too.


Pretty amazing to see them reach up and eat the leaves off the palm trees.


So thankful to be able to take trips and make memories like this.  Makes me one happy Mama!

I spy.

Lots of elephants.

A cheetah.

An ostrich and half a dozen eggs (to the right).


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