Wednesday, November 6, 2013

DPP event with Spouses

Tonight Scott had a work event in NYC and it was an extra special event because all the spouses were invited for the first time! So I was determined to go!  You wouldn't believe how hard it was to find a babysitter for a Wednesday evening, but alas I finally found one through the church and we got to all meet her and her mom the night before and she was a perfect fit and I think our go to babysitter from now on.

The kids were happy and we were happy.  I really enjoyed going to a hot spot in NYC at 230 Fifth.  A rooftop bar in Manhattan.  I really missed seeing all my friends from NY so it was fun to catch up with them and also talk and get introduced to people Scott has worked with the past 2 years.  It was so nice to put a face with a name.

Just one of the many rooms this bar had.

A heated rooftop bar overlooking Manhattan.  It was so pretty!

Another room.  This was the room our event was in.  Food and an open bar and friends led to a fun evening.

One of my views.

A selfie.  We were the first to arrive by a solid 20 minutes so I was just wasting time.

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