Friday, November 8, 2013

One down, one to go.

We have one kid now fully potty trained around the clock and another one who is starting to show interest.

I finally ran out of night time diapers and refused to buy any more.  I simply told Mikey the store does not have diapers and did not order more.  The store ran out.  We never really used pull ups properly and we treated them more as diapers than underwear and Mikey knew that he could go pee in them when he wore them at night time.  So I figured now was as good a time as any.

One night we gave him little to drink at dinner and did not let him drink like a camel when he brushed his teeth.  We took him potty right before bed and Scott or I have been waking up in the middle of the night to wake him up to relieve himself before going right back to bed.  We are now on day 7 and he had only one accident because rather than waking up at 12 or 1 to get him to the potty we both slept until nearly 4.

Pretty easy and I'm so glad I don't have to buy diapers for him anymore.  Should have done this long ago.  Now time to focus on Katie.

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