Friday, November 8, 2013

Funny Phrases

Scenario 1:  (Mikey):  Apples come from the letter A sound.

Scenario 2: (Mikey): Mom, you are looking fine and beautiful today.

Scenario 3: (Mikey): Hey Dad, I want to go back to our apartment.  I'm done playing in this house.

Scenario 4: (Mikey, saying with his voice filled with pity ) (While I am driving 3 hours to PA to my parents home): I know Mom, I know, it's hard driving to Nana and Papa's house.  I know.  It's okay.  Just follow the map. We will be there soon!

Scenario 5: (Mikey) (We told the kids they can each get one treat and one souvenir per day that we go to Disney) I am so excited to go to Disney World.  I get to pick out a toy, maybe Bumblebee or a thing like, thing that changes lots of colors.  Okay Dad?!

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