Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Skittles it is!

Mikey has been using the potty off and on this past summer.  We just switched our treat reward to Skittles and I think it's done the trick.  The past week Mikey has been using the potty 3 to 4 times a day, and has even been telling us when he's had to go!  Wahoo.  I know the doc. said kids are typically ready between 2 1/2 and 3 and I think Mikey is definitely ready now. :)

One night last week I was tempting Mikey to sit on the potty before getting in the bath tub and to entice him I sat Katie on it and told Mikey that Katie even goes pee pee on the potty and sure enough when I took her off, there was pee in the potty!  I couldn't believe it!  She sure surprised me!  I'm just chalking that up to timing!  Maybe, I can train them both at the same time.  If I throw him on, I might as well throw her on too. 

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