Sunday, August 5, 2012

Katie's Birthday!

We all woke up early and quickly got dressed and headed out the door for some breakfast and to burn off some energy before it got to hot and humid for the kids.

We enjoyed a really delicious breakfast at The Mansion and then walked it off by taking a long hike up to Central Park.  We walked all the way through the park and stopped at every park we came to for a little play time before continuing on our walk.  We ended up at the playground on 67th street that has the huge slide and since we arrived so early we had the entire slide to ourselves for at least 45 minutes.  It was so much fun!  We then walked down to 60th street and lexington to go to Sprinkles Bakery to pick out some yummy cupcakes for Katie's birthday before going home. 

We were saving our cupcakes for dinner however, Mikey had it stuck in his head that he wanted his cupcake ASAP.  Once we arrived home, we gave him a quick haircut and we all showered before enjoying our cupcakes for lunch. 

Katie was actually really neat and ate her vanilla cupcake like a little dainty girl.  She really didn't make a mess at all.  We sang and Mikey blew out her candle and opened up all her gifts and wouldn't let her play with any of her toys.  Typical Mikey.

After the sugar rush wore off both kids took a nap around 3pm.  We watched some Olympics, had a great dinner at Cavatappo Wine Bar; the food was amazing and then we played on the roof and played more inside.  We had a crazy storm in the evening and put both kids to bed at 9:00pm. 

It was such a fun, exhausting day full of kisses and love for our little girl.   We sang Happy Birthday to her countless times, took tons of pictures and video and even enjoyed her sleeping on us both.  The real party comes this weekend back in PA.

Playing near the museum.

The birthday girl along for the ride.

Loves the water.

Me and the kids.

Daddy and Mikey had the whole lake to themselves.

First time down the slide today.  It was so nice not having to referee at the top making sure kids stay in line.

Katie loved it too!

He was going so fast.

Daddy liked it too.

He went down pretty much everyway you can think of.

Sprinkles cupcakes.

Fell asleep during the cupcake part of our trip.

They looked yummy, although we agree we are more of a crumbs cupcake family.  They were just ok.

She was asleep, so I picked for her.

Getting ready to sing.

She didn't know what to think.

It took Mikey a few times to blow it out.

It's out!

Her first taste.

Mikey chose red velvet, I chose Chocolate Marshmallow and Scott had smores.

Happy Birthday Katie.

Washing it down with some Milk.  See hardly any mess at all.

Mikey opening while Katie watched.

It's her party and she cried.

Me and the b-day girl.

So cute.


Got the idea to make a tutu for her from a friend.  It turned out great, but she wasn't thrilled to wear it.

Love her smile.

Daddy and Katie watching the Olympics.

She looks so big here.

Mikey wanted his picture taken too.  He's chewing on some jelly beans he got for going potty.

Time for bed soon. 
Sleeping on Mommy.  She had a busy day.

Sleeping on Daddy.  He's great to snuggle against.

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