Thursday, August 23, 2012

NYC Tour

Not knowing exactly how long we will be in NYC we want to take full advantage of our new city we now call home.  I've just added another item to my to do list and it's as follows:
  • Do at least one thing in every manhattan neighborhood.  I'm limiting this to the manhattan borough for now.
With the fall weather coming shortly, I thought this is the perfect goal to have.  Maybe we'll try to do one thing a week or every other week.  I haven't figured out all the details yet.

Here's the list of neighborhoods we'll be checking off. (I know neighborhoods vary depending on which map you look at but this should give us a good start!) We have already even crossed off a few!  (I love making lists, and crossing things off!)

  • Chelsea
  • East Village
  • Gramercy Park
  • Greenwich Village
  • Hamilton Heights
  • Harlem
  • Hell's Kitchen
  • Lower East side
  • Lower Manhattan
  • Midtown East
  • Midtown West
  • Morningside Heights
  • Murry Hill
  • No Ho
  • So Ho
  • TriBeCa
  • Upper East Side
  • Upper West Side
  • Washington Heights
  • West Village

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