Saturday, August 11, 2012

Reminiscing about Katie's Birth Day

When we had Mikey it was a very fast and furious labor and delivery.  We knew the exact time he was born, 10:58 pm.  Once it was time to discuss the arrival of Katie, we were debating on going the au natural route again or having a more methodical delivery.  We decided for the latter. 

On Katie's birthday, Scott and I were trying to remember exactly when she was born.  We couldn't get over the fact that we both could spew out the time Mikey was born without blinking but when it came to Katie, the only thing that came across our lips was "hum, it was sometime after 6" or "I know it was definitely in the evening".  It's been kinda bugging me that I didn't know the exact time, so I had to go through my archives.

In preparing for her first proper birthday party with family and friends, I thought now would be a perfect time to share the day she came into the world with all of you.  Here's my post on the day she was born, and by the way, the time was 7:47pm.  :)


August 5th - So today's the day. Our morning started off waking up early. Scott got up to take Mikey to daycare while Jess got ready for the big day. Our instructions were to call the hospital 1 hour before our scheduled appointment to make sure there was room for us. After making a call at 6:30 am (for our 7:30 am appt.) the hospital told us to wait it out; there wasn't a room ready for us. Our morning was one of leisure as we waited for the important call that it was time to go to the hospital. They called us at 10:30 am and said to come at 11:30am. Once we arrived at the hospital at 11:30, we were taken to our delivery room. It took about 90 minutes for them to check us in and answer all our questions and get the IV for the pitocin started. The doctor arrived right before starting the IV and checked me. I was 3 cm dilated and 60 % effaced (my cervix thinned out 60%). Doc. said that she probably would have come on her own in the next day or two. So now, it's 1:30 and the contractions have started. I still hadn't fully made up my mind as to whether or not I wanted an epidural this time around, and had planned to play it by ear. However, knowing that I have a high tolerance for pain, the doc. said that if I waited until the pain was to much for me that it would probably be too late for an epidural. Between 1:30 and 5:30 the nurses came in and increased the pitocin numerous times. I decided that at 5:30 it was time for the epidural (knowing that the entire procedure to get the epidural and for it to kick in was about 45 minutes) as the contractions were increasing in intensity and frequency.
The anesthesiologist was the cutest little Indian doctor and the nurses all raved about him. I was nervous getting the epidural as I've never received one before and wasn't sure about the process. The worst part was having the doctor inject the Lidocaine (numbing medicine). It felt like 5 bee stings. Once he was through with the first Lidocaine injection he applied another injection into my spine, inserted the IV and tapped the IV to my back. The medicine kicked in about 15 minutes later starting in my toes and working it's way up to my belly. After that I couldn't feel a thing, no contraction, no pain. I really could have kissed the doctor!
The nurse checked me again right after I received the epidural and I was 6 cm dilated. As she was checking me my water broke. She said that once my water broke that I would progress very quickly.
We had a little bit of a busy next hour while in labor. Since my water broke soon after receiving the epidural, my blood pressure dropped. Also, our little Katie didn't like all the commotion and decided to drop her blood pressure too. Silly baby. I had the sweats and felt like I was going to pass out (due to my blood pressure dropping). The nurse stopped the pitocin, had me roll onto my right side and she gave me some pure oxygen for 10 minutes. She also put a monitor directly onto the baby's head for a more accurate reading. (We had been monitoring her with a belly monitor). The whole process to get me and Katie feeling back to normal took about 45 to 60 minutes. Now it's 7 pm. Once I was again comfortable, the nurse said that she'd be back to check on me and in the mean time if I felt lots of pressure below to ring her.
At 7:30 the nurse and doctor both came to check on me. Up until this point, I had absoultely no feeling in my lower body. (Epidural = wonderful). :) The doctor checked me at 7:30 and said "I don't feel a cervix." We couldn't believe it, I was ready to push! The doctor had 4 other patients that day and had already delivered 2 babies. She had me and another patient left. The doctor had me do a test push and said "Looks like you are next!" We waited for 2 other nurses to show up and the delivery cart to be delivered. Everyone was set.
The nurse had to tell me when I was having a contraction, as I still couldn't feel anything. I started pushing at 7:45. 2 contractions later and Katherine Mackenzie Muir was born at 7:47pm. I was able to hold her immediately and she even lifted her head.
She was pink and perfect and received stellar reviews. I was able to touch her head and feel her as she was coming out. It was an amazing experience that I was able to enjoy and even speak and laugh during. Katie had just a tiny bit of fluid in her lungs, which the nurse removed by quickly inserting a small tub into her.
I had a very small tear and that was about it. We spent the next 2 plus hours in the delivery room before being moved to our recovery room. We were wheeled to our recovery room just before 10:30 pm. Scott helped me get settled in and then went home (across the street) to sleep.
I didn't have feeling return to my lower half until about 12:00am when the nurse first helped me get up. Before then I doubt I would have been able to support myself!

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