Sunday, August 5, 2012

Katie at 1 year old.

Katie at 1 year old:

  • She has said the following words (in order); Daddy, Mommy, Duck (probably her favorite word), Boob, Hi, and Cracker or Quack, Quack (we can't yet distinguish).
  • She can wave hi and bye and sign for more and all done.
  • She is full of sugar and spice and loves to scream at the top of her lungs if something doesn't go her way, if Mikey gets too close, or squeezes/hugs her too tight, or if a toy gets taken away from her.
  • She eats everything and will grunt if you are eating and aren't feeding her at the same time.
  • She loves to flip through books and can sit for long periods of time if you are reading to her.
  • Just like her brother, she took her first couple of steps by herself on her 1st birthday.
  • She has 5 teeth, still only 2 on the bottom but now 3 on the top.
  • She loves sucking her thumb and is still nursing.
  • She is a complete Momma's girl but she'll say "Daddy" twenty times before she'll say Mommy.
  • She gives her Daddy a hug by pressing her forehead against his. (It's their own little thing they do.)
  • Her favorite fruit is blueberries, however she'll eat any fruit you put in front of her.
  • She hasn't yet had her hair trimmed or cut.  It's beginning to get a little wild. No bad hair days for her.
  • She has the sweetest smile and she still gets compliments on her big blue eyes all the time.
She's our little firecracker and has filled our past year with beautiful fireworks.  We love you so!

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