Friday, August 31, 2012

August Instagram Dump

Here are photos I've taken with Instagram in August. Hope you enjoy!


Sweet moment.

Loves running.

So cute.

He wrestled it away from her.

Swing time.

Birthday Girl.

I love when he holds my hand.

Enraptured by the sprinkler.

Our typical evening walks.

Looking over the east river.

Doing a little dog watching.

Sleeping on way to Nana and Papa.

Birthday Girl with Papa.

Knew he would do this with his cars eventually.

Blueberries were a great deal.  Had to make some muffins to use them up!

Peanut Butter and Nutella Cookies.

Craft idea from Pinterest.

Cool bike we saw near a park.

A bakery closed for 6 weeks for vacation.  Who knew a business could close for 6 weeks in NYC without going under.

A new favorite snack of mine.

4 loads of laundry in 90 mins. Love it!

The air mattress is always a good time!

Dentist time.

Sushi, fresh corn, potato crisps and roasted brussel sprouts with garlic aeoli for dinner. Delicious.

Mikey time with Mommy. Love him.

Folding sheets a certain way opened up another shelf in my closet. Woot woot.

Time for Labor Day dinner.

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