Monday, August 6, 2012

Katie 1 year checkup

Silly me scheduled Katie's one year checkup the very day after her birthday.  If her birthday fell on a Monday (instead of Sunday), I probably would have scheduled it on her actual birthday! For some reason I feel like I need to get them in for their checkups on the exact day that they are due for their milestone checkup.  Anyway, she had a busy first full day of being one. 

In the morning, she showed some diva qualities (do those start already?!), and in the afternoon she had her checkup.

At the doctors, she was extremely clingy.  I could barely put her down to snap a quick pic.  She wanted me to hold her and that was it.  She would scream whenever the nurse or doctor would come close to her. 

I tried to prepare Mikey for the visit by telling him over and over that Katie was going to get shots and get upset but that it was okay, it was going to help her and make her grow big and remain healthy and that he shouldn't worry.  He definitely acted like the big brother.  He needed to see everything that the doctor was doing and would push his way in between me and the doctor to see whas she was doing to Katie.  He would say "It's okay, Katie Baby." "Shhh."  "Katie, owie, hurt, boo boo."  He gave her hugs and kisses.  Very cute behavior exhibited by him!

On the walk back both the kids were zonked out from their stressful afternoon.

Here's her stats:

27.5 inches long - 15%
45 cm head - 50%
20 lbs. 7.9 oz weight - 30%

To compare Mikey at 1 year:
28 inches long - 39%
21 lbs. - 24%

Busy talking to her girlfriends!

Playing in the waiting room.

The only pic. I got in the room.


Poor Katie bug, received 5 shots.  2 in each upper arm and the orange band-aid. 

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