We took the kids to Wildwood Lake in Harrisburg, PA. The website is (
here). It was a lot of fun to let the kids walk on the boardwalk and along some paths. We'd let them run as far ahead as they wished and then run back to us. We also played a lot of I SPY since it is a wild life refuge. We spotted 2 live snakes. Both very different...a small one and a medium sized one with a bright red stripe on it. We also spotted a spiky toad and watched a live demonstration of hawks.
Did you know that when a hawk goes into dive mode it doesn't want to kill it's pry on the first hit, it's goal is just to injure. A hawk can reach speeds up to 200 mph when it dives and if it hits pry dead on, well then they would both be dead but if a hawk just swoops down to injure their pry they then withstand 22G's of force on their body when the pull up to circle back around and locate their injured pry. Amazing! I learn something new everyday!
I spy through the binoculars.... |
Mikey's turn! He could look through there all day but I don't think my Dad's biceps would like that! |
Running along. |
This was a cute little sign we spotted! |
At the launch pad. I'm sure many people jump into the murky water from here! |
The kids always find an opportunity to pretend they are on a balance beam. |
The hawk demonstration! |
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