Friday, July 18, 2014

Summer camp out and smores

We ended our frenzied week in PA by having a camp out at my sister's place, complete with friends, laughs, family and s'mores followed by a birthday party.  In my family, it's always someone's birthday!

Back yard is set up.  Tent, hammock, fire crackling, lots of chairs.  

Boys building the fire....and Bryan keeping Mikey back.

My view for a few minutes!

Roasting marshmallows.

Amanda with the bug.

I was caught eating a s'more.

She likes it!

About to pass out in the tent!

Katie with grandparents, Nana and Papa.

Showing how strong he is!

Katie, Amanda, Mikey and Jen at the restaurant along the Susquehanna River.

Birthday girl Ashley with boyfriend Ryan.

Aunt Bev getting the crowd riled up!

Katie and Momma.

It's my party and I can hold you like a baby if i want.

Yummy chocolates from Israel for parting gifts.

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