Monday, July 28, 2014

Fully Potty Trained in 4 days!!!

All summer long, I have been talking to Katie about going pee on the potty.
It went something like this:
"Katie, if you want to go to school with your friends in the fall then you need to start going pee on the potty!"
"Katie, if you want to be a big girl then you need to start going on the potty!"
Etc. Etc. Etc.

As the weeks went by and there was still zero interest in going I was getting more and more nervous about what that might mean if school started and she still wasn't potty trained.

A guideline at their school is that the children in the PK-3 class needed to be potty trained prior to school starting.  But I knew from the previous year was that the first month or two they were pretty lenient on this rule.  Since I'm a stickler for rules, I was trying my hardest to not have that kid.

One day, as I was getting Katie dressed for the day, instead of putting a diaper on her in the morning I put her in underwear.  It was the very first time she didn't throw a fit and insist that I take it off immediately.

Day 1:  So I kept it on and that very day we went through 4 pairs of underwear and I had puddles to clean up!
Day 2:  I sat her on the potty every 30 minutes and she went every time.  Only 1 wet pair of underwear today.
Day 3:  She starting telling me when she had to go potty.  No wet underwear and had a dry pull up the next morning.
Day 4:  The first day she went both No. 1 and No. 2 on the potty.

That was it.  Well, that was easy.  I always knew that potty training her would be easy.  The hard part was getting her to make up her mind to want to go on the potty.  Once she made up her mind, it really took no time at all.

Of course she decided to make up her mind after I purchased a whole new stash of diapers.  But I'm glad she is potty trained and just in time for us to celebrate her 3rd birthday!

This girl just went on the potty for the first time and is sucking on 1 jelly bean! She was so proud! :)
On a side note, this kid can nap anywhere....
Fell asleep on the chair while I was cooking dinner.

Both kids like this warm and sunny spot in the kitchen.

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