Tuesday, July 29, 2014

They said What?!

While discussing her upcoming birthday party -
Mommy:  "Katie, are you getting excited for your birthday party?!"  "We are going to sing happy birthday to you and you get to blow out your candles!"
Katie:  "No I don't.  I don't blow out my candles!  I blow out the fire on my candles!"
Mommy:  "Oh Katie.  You're so smart."
Katie:  "No, I'm not smart."
Mommy: "Well then, if you're not smart Katie, what are you?!"
Katie: "I'm just a girl."

While potty training-
Katie as she is standing outside near our front door: "Mommy, come.  Mommy, come here!!"
Mommy: "Katie, what is it?!"
Katie as she is standing fully dressed with legs wide apart and a puddle underneath her: "I did it! I went pee! Yay! I went pee!"
Mommy: "uhhThat's great Katie! Maybe next time, we can try going on the potty!"

Katie:  "Mommy, I went pee."  While looking in the potty. "Wait, I drank chocolate milk.  Where is it?!"
Mommy:  "Katie, you pee urine, not chocolate milk."

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