Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The PA State Museum

The kids and I along with my Dad and Bryan spent our morning at the PA State Museum in Harrisburg.  There was so much to see and we had the place all to ourselves.  It was sort of like the Natural History Museum in Manhattan except only a fraction of the price and a bigger variety of exhibits and zero crowds!

Katie and I posing at the huge William Penn Statue.

 They had an art exhibit here that was designed and curated by my Aunt Bev.  She organized and hung all the artwork and held an opening gala and was there to award the winners.  She also received the "Volunteer of the Year" award for her hard work here!
Katie wanted her picture next to this sculpture.

Mikey wanted his picture next to this sculpture that resembled a tornado.

This robot was assembled quick as you can clearly see in person.  It was used to help clean up TMI.

This was a massive painting that took up an entire wall that depicted the Battle of Gettysburg.
Checking out prehistoric bones.  All the animals on display at the State Museum were found at some point in time in PA.

Crawling around like bears.

I always like looking at birds up close and when they are dead! Ha.  When they are alive they are constantly moving and moving to quickly for me to get a good look at them.  These were extra colorful.

A huge spider web.

Lots of quotes at the museum and somehow this one spoke to me.

At the kids play area building with blocks.

This awesome and old school fire truck with working buttons and a flat bed in the back!

Testing her balance on mushrooms that wiggled.

After spending a few hours at the museum we hit up the popular Subway Cafe for what they claim to be the "Best Pizza in Town!"  I thought it was just okay but my sister swears by it!

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