Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer Camp

I signed up Mikey for summer camp at the Stamford Nature Center.  They have a total of 6 weekly summer camps.  Each week has a different theme.  Not knowing how he would do around an entirely new set of kids (most kids go to school there during the year) and also because I want to do stuff with him during the summer too, I only signed him up for 2 of the 6 weeks.

The very first week (June 30th) was Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Off on a hike we go.  Each day they took various hikes to different places around the nature center.  At the end of the week he came home with this awesome sculpture made out of all different things he collected that week on his hikes.   AND he loved camp!!!!

The first day I dropped him off he was so excited and not hesitant at all.  It was Katie who I had to deal with.  She threw a fit because she couldn't go!  You need to be 3 and potty trained, both of which she was not.  She wasn't happy about it but knows that she can go next summer.

The second week he went to camp (July 21st) was I Spy.  Each day they spied different objects around the nature center that were certain colors.  A different color for each day.  He brought home this handmade book of projects he worked on during the week and can't wait to go back next summer!

I'm so glad we can afford to send him to camp.  It gave me a breather from having to watch 2 kids and also gave him some structure during his day and build his independence and social skills while doing it in a fun, learning environment!

Snack bag in hand and ready for 1st day of summer camp!

Giving Baby Katie a hug bye on his first day of camp.

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