Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dutch Wonderland

While we were in PA during our fun and non-stop week, my Dad and I took the kids to Dutch Wonderland.  A theme park tailored to little ones and perfect for the 4-8 year old range.  We had the perfect weather the day we went as there wasn't any blazing sun, a nice breeze and no heavy crowds.

Michael measured as an Emerald and Katie as Aquamarine.

The very first ride we did was the sky ride.  It allowed us to get a good view of everything there was at the park. That's Katie and Papa.

Mikey and I on the sky ride.  I love his excited smile!

She wasn't the biggest fan of the dinosaur exhibit.

My first roller coaster ride with Mikey!  The second go round hurt my back.  Ouch!

We saw the Princess and Frog diving show.  Katie hated the villain in the show and hugged me so hard and turned away any time he spoke.  But during our exit she gave him a high five!

Water flume time!

We love it!

So glad we went on this airplane ride BEFORE lunch.  Wow, did we all feel sick on it!

We were one of the few on this ride!

Katie is jut not interested in sticking her head in holes.

But climbing pretzels she'll do!

Oh how he loved the frog jumper!  It made me so nervous he picked the seat on the edge.

But he had his hands up the whole time.

And a huge smile plastered on his face the entire time!

Dutch Wonderland is in Lancaster, PA.  The heart of amish country and only 40 minutes from my parents home so you can bet they had horse drawn carriages to climb into and play on.

The huge twisty slide gave me and my dad a solid 15 minute break.  The went down so many times.

So cute!  I should have stuck my head in there.

Katie didn't want anyone to come near her.  She picked a horse on the edge and I prayed she held on while it went in circles pretty fast.

They loved playing on this floating bridge while seeing huge Koi fish.

The train ride was awesome!  We saw even more rides from here in a section of the park we hadn't seen yet.

Hugs while waiting for the whip ride. 

And a kiss.

They kids went on this twice in a row. Katie absolutely loved it!

She was the only kid to put her hands up at every turn!  Every turn.  
Here is video I took of the kids on the whip ride.  I so enjoyed watching them have fun!

This water park was awesome, awesome, awesome!

Squirting water at the kids.  He could have done this all day.

Water slide fun.  Reminded us of the indoor water park at Massanutten.

She went down all the big slides too!

That is Katie on the far right getting bombarded by a huge bucket of water.  I'm so glad it didn't knock her over.  She was surprised for sure!

She ran up to me after I took this and said "This is the Best Day Ever!!!"  

Cold and tired.  Time to go home soon.

She passed out literally 90 seconds after I strapped her in.  We didn't even get out of their small parking lot before I looked back and saw this.

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