Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Maritime Aquarium

The kids and I went to the aquarium in Norwalk, CT.  Surprisingly, it was our first time there even though we live so close.  We met up with our friends one last time and had the whole place to ourselves since we went later in the afternoon!

They have a new exhibit called Jiggle a Jelly...where you can touch real jelly fish.  The kids thought this was so neat and still talk about it!  They also go to touch stingrays and little sharks.  Mikey wants to go back there and touch them again.

We even saw an IMAX Movie called "Journey to the South Pacific", which was just okay actually.

The seal show.  The seal in the photo is 41 years old.  The oldest seal at a zoo in the world!

Katie never wants to do these.  Mikey loves octopui, so it was a no brainer that he would choose that hole to stick his head in!

After the slightest hesitation the kids went for it!  Touching jellies is fun!

He sometimes wouldn't wait for them to float to the surface before touching them.

In the beginning, Katie spent a little bit more time looking rather than touching.

Touching the stingrays.

Nurse sharks.

The seal sunning himself.

More neat things to touch, like this purple starfish.

A little cold and squiggly at first...

...but then he liked it and didn't want to put it down!

Ohh...spooky.  A shark!

This jelly exhibit was so neat!

Strong Mikey!

She is over taking pictures!

Mikey and Ellie.

I and finally in a picture with the kids!

A huge turtle shell!

Katie the leatherback.

Stuck in a shark tank!

Back to touch the jelly fish again!

Playing with toys at the gift shop!
Such a neat place.  Hoping we can visit again and take Daddy with us next time!

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