Saturday, July 12, 2014

A few days of randoms

We had a few days without any set plans to use however we pleased between 4th of July and going to PA for a week so here are some pictures taken from those days. 
Back to the beach.   Low tide is our favorite and like a giant puddle.

An angel playground at our favorite beach.  This is in memory of Jesse Lewis, who died at the Newtown, CT school shootings.  His playground is perfect for my kids ages and they have spent many hours laughing and playing at this playground.

My summer baby....

....she becomes a fish around water.

So does Mikey.  He liked walking back and forth and crawling around in the waves.
The beach does this to.....

....them every time!

I've been following a lot of trainers and reading articles for my marathon and came across this comic strip.  It made me laugh!

We found a new playground 2 miles from our house.  We love it and the kids can play without fear of getting hurt.

Playing battle with this guy.  My puny toy figures against his transformers and large dinosaurs and aqua life.  I don't think I stand a chance!

Complete with sound effects!

Wanting me to take pictures of each of his toys while he shines a light on them.

Walking around New Canaan and stopped in Starbucks for a treat.  They have the best outdoor seating there!

Dinner date in the city with this guy and a few friends on a perfect July evening!

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