Saturday, May 18, 2013

You want me to do what?!!!!

So back on Mother's Day I told Scott he did really good at getting the kids dressed and ready for the day.  The only thing that he didn't do was Katie's hair.  He refused to do it.

An idea was brewing in my mind.

One evening after getting super sandy and sweaty at the park, we threw the kids in the shower (when we're short on time) for a quick cleaning.  I handed a wet, slippery Katie over to Scott so he could get her ready for bed while Mikey and I finished up in the shower.

I took charge of getting Mikey ready for bed that evening.  When I returned to our bedroom, I saw Scott just finishing up putting pj's on Katie and noticed her hair was all knotted and soaking wet against her head.  I threw a comb on the bed next to Scott and told him he was in charge of doing her hair and heard him protest as I walked away calling over my back "You're a smart guy...figure it out!"

I peaked around the corner once he thought I was in the living room.   I mean common, you think I was going to miss watching my bald husband comb hair for the first time in close to 2 decades.....not a chance!  Katie was a good sport about it and didn't complain too much.  She can be pretty testy if you don't have her already focused on something else.  I should have told Scott to work from the bottom up....the most efficient way to get knots out of hair.....but I wanted to see him squirm a little.

I had to hold back the giggles as I was watching him focus all his attention on combing her hair as gently as possible...  wondering how exactly he was going to comb it.  This is what she ended up looking like.  :)

 Usually I comb it to the side and put a clip in it to keep it out of her eyes.  Like this.

He tried.  Bless his heart. I guess the next step with him is to work on styling.

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