Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Playing Hookie

Scott went to Indy for a quick 2 day trip this week so I invited some family up for a quick 3 day trip.  On Wednesday, Mikey has school usually but on this particular Wednesday I took the opportunity to teach him a life to play hookie!  Hope it doesn't come back to bit me in the butt.

I figured since there were 4 additional hands available to me, I was going to put them to good use! It was threatening to rain off and on all day but we went for it anyway and took the subway down to Union Square.  We played at the great kids playground, walked through the little park in the square and smelled all the baked goods and flowers at the famous Union Square Farmer's Market.  It was amazing to see all the different produce and unusual items that you don't see at every farmer's market.

A huge slide that was really fast.

A secret garden at the park.

A marble turtle and frog in the sandbox.

Amanda and Paul at the farmer's market.

This was a very popular vendor. I bet the milk tastes super fresh.

A very cute, quaint street on the NYU campus.
 We walked from Union Square south to Washington Square Park and had a look around.  We'll have to come back here on a summer day when the huge fountain is working.  We then walked around the streets of SOHO taking in all the little art galleries, boutiques and over priced apparel. We taxied back home about 1 for naps and got rested up for some afternoon fun.
Washington Square Park.

View of the Memorial Tower from the park.

We walked down the cobble stoned streets of SOHO to find this store for Amanda.  Owned by the Kardashian's.
 It warmed up considerably in the afternoon.  We walked through Central Park, played with sticks, walked up the many steps to Belvedere Castle, kicked the soccer ball and ran on the great lawn and watched some softball games.
A little blue egg found at Central Park.

Walking up to the castle.

Mikey and Amanda looking over the castle.

There's the castle.

View from the top overlooking Turtle Pond, the Great Lawn and the Upper East Side.

Me and my favorite boy.

Blowing off some steam on the great lawn.

The sun is starting to set.

Sunset over midtown.

Love this pic.

They loved to be chased.

Watching the baseball game.

Late evening outside....time to go home soon.

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