Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ode to my children

While pushing the kids on the swing today, I got this over powering, slap me in the face, CANNOT ignore fact that with each push of the swing, time was ticking away, literally right in front of my eyes.  My what a difference 3.5 years can make....break that time down into pushing a swing and that's a countless number of swings....which now seemed to go by in the blink of an eye.

God has truly blessed me in so many ways....On October 29, 2009 at 10:58 pm I became a mommy to the most incredible baby boy.  Mikey has now turned into the best and most boyish boy I could imagine.

He is sweet, thoughtful, compassionate, fearless, trusting, affectionate, passionate, athletic, particular, rough, sensitive, silly, funny, imaginative, contemplative, smiley and always on the move. He runs everywhere and is fast...I mean really fast...I have to actually put forth a concerted effort to keep up with him.  He'd much rather wrestle, rough house, get tickled, jump on the couch/bed and run outside than play with toys. He has lots to say that usually comes out in one long, jumbled sentence....I see it as him being SO excited about life.  He has an incredible memory as evidenced by bringing up something that happened months ago.

 I love watching all the little things that excite him...such a simplicity to everyday things that I've long ago taken for granted I now see it in a new light...through his eyes.  He brings me more joy that I though possible every single day and I can't help but smile every time I look at him.

It's pretty indescribable just how much joy one child can bring to your life.  Times that by two and sometimes I cannot breathe because I'm suffocating from all the joy that washes over me.

Katie is an equal contributor to that joy for sure.  I looked at her for the first time on August 5, 2011 and couldn't believe God blessed me with another beautiful and healthy baby.  She has turned into the most beautiful little girl/toddler I could ever imagine.  Literally, while pregnant with her, I played the game of imagining what she would look like....whose features she would get, what personality traits she would inherit from Scott and I etc...and no matter which way I mixed and matched, I never expected to have such a beautiful daughter...she has far exceeded my high expectations in every way.  She is loud, bossy, independent with her "let me try" attitude, loving, caring, resourceful, boisterous, independent while still being very much a mommy's girl, affectionate, lively, sharp, lighthearted and always has a sunny, smiley disposition.  It's amazing how such a little peanut can brighten the mood of everyone around her.  I love how I can put her down for nap/bedtime while she is wide awake but I especially love on those very rare occasions when she cries for me and I happily, almost giddily rush to get her from the crib....wrap her closely in my arms and rock her while very lightly, almost like a whisper, trace her delicate facial features with my finger tips while staring at her, watching her eyelids flutter close as she fights off sleep to finally succumb to what I hope are the sweetest dreams a baby girl can have.  I get it....these are those fleeting remember forever moments in life that I cherish.

There is an unmistakable, resounding, almost deafening "yes" that I would do anything for my today I'm going to honor you, because without you, my two most precious children, I wouldn't be the proudest mommy that I am. My life revolves around you and I'm incredibly grateful that I get to be with you everyday.  I wouldn't want it any other way.

What a Happy Mother's Day and every day to me.... and all you other mothers out there, especially my mom who has taught me over 30 years what endless love for you children is.

My most precious babies.

Yup, that's them!

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