Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day trip to CT.

Back in the beginning of April we decided to take a day trip out of the city since we had our car in NY.  We ended up in Connecticut for a nice drive through some of the southern towns close to the Long Island Sound.  It's been years since I've been in CT and it really reminded me a lot of Long Island, which makes sense since part of CT is considered a NYC suburb.

I forgot from when we lived in New Hampshire just how many Dunkin Donuts there are.  Of course we stopped for some hot beverages and donuts.  (The kids didn't seem to mind.)  We also took a quick peek at the beach and stopped at a playground to let the kids burn off some energy.  It was a pretty chilly day....common warm weather!  The kids love going for car rides and we love it too since they are immobile!

Mikey seemed satisfied with his choice of donut. Choc with sprinkles.

Katie was happy with a plain glazed one.

Yup.  He loved it.

A little playground we drove past. It looked pretty new with lots of space to run around.

Katie - our swing lover.

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