Friday is really our only day during the week that we have completely open. It was going to be a gorgeous day and I just had a hunkering to seize the day and do something new.
After a shuttle ride, and two subway rides (one transfer in Grand Central Station) while carrying a toddler, backpack, a double stroller and holding Mikey's hand..... oh and all during rush hour in NYC we made it to Long Island City.
Side note: I must remember that most people don't start work right at 8 am and that if I want to go anywhere by myself with two kids I should do it after 10 am. I really felt like I was completely insane traveling during that time. A lot of people looked at me like I was crazy and I got a few "you're brave" comments. On a positive note, there are a few good Samaritans out there who offered to help me (carry the stroller up stairs), including 3 police men who let me in the security gate and travel on the subway for free.
But once we got to Long Island City it was worth it. When we looked at apartments to live in we looked at a few in Long Island City (friends from Denver suggested it since they live there) but it really wasn't that much cheaper than Manhattan. It was quiet, we had an amazing view of Manhattan, played on the playground, ran around on the piers along the water and played under the Pepsi Cola sign before going back to Manhattan to have lunch at Grand Central Station.
We left our home at 8:40am and got back home at 12:30pm and we were all pooped. We showered and napped and had a great rest of the day!
Walking on the pier. |
Running on the pier! |
Very wide river walk with lots of chairs to soak in the view. |
View of Midtown. |
The famous Pepsi Cola sign. |
He's a small boy in a big city. |
Mikey was so curious about these structures. I wish I knew what they were. |
Deciphering the crazy subway map. |
When the elevator is broken, we ride the escalator in the stroller. |
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