Friday, May 31, 2013

Date night with Friends

Tonight we had a date night with friends of ours that work in the city but live in NJ.  They are friends from college who are having their first boy this September!  It was so much fun to catch up with Tom and Carrie.  I had so much fun I forgot to take even one picture!  So sorry.

We had dinner at Crispo Restaurant in the West Village.  Everything was amazing.  Definitely one of the best meals we've had in NYC.  We got a bunch of appetizers, salads, pasta entrees and desserts to share.  Seriously, a must stop of you are in the city!!!

Celebratory Dinner

Scott and I had a really awesome date night at the Atlantic Grill.  It was my 3rd time there but Scott's first.  All of our food courses were really delicious, we laughed and goofed off, our waitress was amazing and super attentive and we talked about the next chapter of our lives together....including everything that it takes to pack up and move!

We had lots to celebrate that birthday, our 5th year anniversary and Scott's nomination for becoming the next KPMG FASB Fellow.  Which means that I'm one year older, I've put up with Scott for yet another year ( j/k hunny!! Love you!!!) and we are moving to CT in July.

Oh and it also means that all that stressing I was doing to find a great school for Mikey in NYC was all for nothing and I'll be restarting that entire due diligence process of finding a great school for Mikey and Katie in CT.

Scott will be working in Norwalk, CT at the FASB for 2 years and then will follow it up with another 2 year rotation back at DPP here in Manhattan.  So at the very least we will be living on the east coast and close to family for another 4 years. We couldn't be prouder of him!

We will be very busy over the next couple of weeks researching and touring schools, going house hunting, cleaning out all the old toys/clothes in our current apt., traveling back to PA to get our car and go through everything that's in storage there, running around the city to see as much of it as we can, as well as another 3 weeks of school and keeping up with our busy day to day activities.  Yikes!  So I'm apologizing in advance if I'm not updating this as frequently as I'd like!

We splurged on this seafood tower for two as our appetizer.

We celebrated with round after round after round of drinks.

A yummy complimentary dessert to share.

The next FASB fellow and I.  So silly :)

I love finishing off a nice meal with a cappuccino.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Met

This morning was a very hot and humid one so we decided to spend it in the a/c at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.    It's definitely not the first or best place to take kids under 4 in NYC but we received complimentary membership passes for the day just by showing Scott's KPMG employee badge so if the kids acted up we could leave and not feel like we just wasted a bunch of money.

Surprisingly it was a lot of fun......there is sooooo much to see there and lots to do.  The kids were very well behaved.  Katie didn't make a peep the entire time and was happy to view everything from the stroller.  Mikey was really great too and didn't run around too much.

We saw lots of different displays and the sheer amount of artifacts is astounding.  Scott and I really loved looking at all the paintings; that was probably our favorite and we have way to many pictures to prove it!  Mikey liked the knights and swords and Katie liked everything.  After 2 1/2 hours it was time to leave for some lunch on the way home and naps for the kids.

Walking around it was pretty clear that we had the youngest kids there.  We didn't see any kids under 5 the entire time.  We only set off one alarm and got yelled at twice; once for carrying Mikey on our shoulders and once because Mikey crawled on some Egyptian Pyramid thing before we could get to him.  I'd call that a successful trip.  We'll definitely be back!

This picture is blurry because we set off the alarm!


A married Egyptian couple.

The knights display was really cool.  The boys loved it.

Mikey wanted to take a picture of this painting.

Katie by an Egyptian tomb.

Even the horses were covered in armor.

This painting was one of my two favorites.  The details were unbelievable.

Mikey crawling on the Egyptian structure.

I had to get my pic. with this hunk.

Maybe for my master bath someday.

This was my other favorite picture.  Mikey and Katie liked the angel babies.

Scott checking out the recreated Italian church.

By the totem poles.

Mikey checking out more tombs.

He loved looking at the swords and artillery.

van Gogh painting.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Brooklyn Bust

Scott took the week of Memorial Day off so we decided to do a little stay-cation since we won't be in NYC much longer.  We didn't do as much as we liked due to rainy weather 2 days and another 2 days of super hot/muggy/humid weather but we did knock a few things off our list as well as have 3 date nights!!

It's kinda funny, the more stuff we do and see around NYC the more I feel like we haven't done anything at all.   There is just that much to see and do.

Tuesday we decided to go to Brooklyn and we were excited about spending the day there since we haven't been there yet but the rain fell about 3 hours before it was supposed to so that cut our trip down by quite a bit.  However we did enjoy a ferry ride over to Brooklyn, some yummy pizza for lunch at the famous Grimaldi's (a line started forming 15 minutes in the rain before it opened; I've heard the line can be well over an hour long) followed by some really delicious ice cream at the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory before taking the ferry back home.  Did I mention how delicious it was?

We also checked out the restored/renovated carousel; but it's closed on Tuesdays!!  Yeah....should have checked that out before we headed over there.  The DUMBO area (right under the Brooklyn Bridge) was really cute even in the rain so hopefully we'll be able to make another day trip over there when it's nice to explore even more.

Ready for the ferry!

View of NYC in background while on the East River Ferry.

Closed on Tuesdays.
Such a pretty carousel.  I was really hoping the kids could ride.

Hide and seek while waiting in line.
Playing peek a boo with Katie. She thought they were hilarious!

View of the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan.

Really delicious ice cream!!

Yummy. Luckily I was able to steal a few bites when they weren't looking.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

We celebrated Memorial Day with no plans (my favorite) and ended up in Central Park.  The kids played at Mariner's playground followed by running around on a nice grassy lawn in with a picnic lunch, 16 Handles for an afternoon snack and playing soccer at Asphalt Green in the evening.  A perfect way to spend a day.

Happy Memorial Day.

He loves to do flips.

She is so independent as long as I'm close by.

A ninja turtle party next to our picnic.  Mikey was in awe.

That's it....keep running up and down.

Playing some before lunch.


Mariner's Playground.

Here is my NYC guy.
Some summertime fun.

The first day the water sprinklers were turned on.

She held on to that water balloon for so long.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day Party

Our friends Dennis and Mary invited us and a few other KPMG families over for a BBQ Memorial Day Party.  They have a fantastic patio outside their West Side Apt.  The weather was great, the kids all had fun playing together and the food was delicious!  Thanks for a wonderful time kicking off the summer!

She loves cupcakes.

The diva loves her sunglasses.

And a blue cupcake for Mikey.

Me and Miss Diva.


I think we need to buy him a bike soon. He rode this almost the entire time we were there.

She knows how to hail a taxi.  A must in this city!

Quinn and Katie.  Not sure what they were looking at.
