Thursday, February 27, 2014

Things that come out of a two year old's mouth

Tonight Scott had a work function after work so he didn't get home until really late which meant that I was on my own for dinner, baths, and bed.  Since the days seem a little longer when Scott works late, I try to extend everything we do.

The kids ended up taking a longer than usual bath.  I think it was at least 30 minutes maybe a few minutes longer that they were submersed in water.  Once we were done and I was ready to get them out of the tub Katie looked at her hands and noticed they looked all wrinkled and shriveled up.

Katie: (Looking at me with concern and with big puppy dog eyes and a whimpering mouth.  Although she didn't say anything I knew what she was thinking.)

Jess:  "Oh, Katie.  It's okay.  You were in the tub so long that your fingers got all wrinkled.  It's just from the water.  As soon as we get you all dried off and wait a few minutes your fingers will be back to normal."

Katie (While looking at her hands and fingers and shaking them to try and get the wrinkles off):  "Eeeehhhhh"

Jess (In hindsight, probably not the best thing to say at this point):  "Katie, your fingers are all wrinkles up.  Let's look at your toes.  Do you think they are all wrinkled too?"

Katie (Sitting in the tub, takes her foot out of the water and looks at the bottom of her foot and she just completely loses it as soon as she sees her wrinkled foot!)

Once we got her dried off and in PJ's and read two books, she looked at her hands and said "All better Mamma!"

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