Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Today I drove the kids down to PA to stay at my parents for the next 10 days or so while I am recovering from surgery.  My Dad helped me shave about 90 minutes off my travel time by meeting me at (Cabela's).  It 's a huge store filled with everything outdoors related.  It has been way to long since I've been there with the kids as we normally do a quick stop in NJ when we drive to my parents but this was a perfect opportunity for the kids to see some animals and stretch our legs.

Driving a huge camo vehicle.

Papa's so silly. That polar bear will bite your finger!

The didn't want to get too close.

A huge safari section with lots of animals.  

A huge, life size elephant!!

So pretty up close.  I wish it wasn't stuffed.

A rhino and lots of other wildlife you'd find in Africa.

A really neat section of lionesses.  

4 wheelers.

An aquarium section too.

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