Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Funny Phrases

Scenario 1:
Mikey:  "I am sick of Katie.  You need to return her!"

Jess:  "Mikey, that is not a nice thing to say.  Why are you sick of Katie.  Where am I supposed to return her too?"

Mikey:  "Well, I don't care.  Take her back to the mail box!"

Scenario 2- courtesy of my mom while the kids were at my parents home.

The kids sleep on these soft bed cots in the office when they stay at my parents.  One morning Katie woke up early and snuck into bed to cuddle with my Dad.  Mikey woke up and immediately goes to the bathroom.  He then walked into my parents room and saw that my Dad was still sleeping (he didn't see Katie), he then went back to the office and then looked around the house but did not see Katie.  He walks back into my parents room and is at this point crying hysterically saying "I lost Katie baby!"

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