Monday, February 10, 2014

Big Helper

Maybe it's the weather, or maybe it's the fact that this has been the worst winter in CT since 1978 (what we've heard from a few neighbors) and we are stuck inside, but whatever it is seems to be working because Mikey has been a huge helper lately.  He cleans up his toys with very minimal prodding from us, helps with the laundry and vacuums, cooks, does the dishes and washes his toys.  Yes, I did type that last sentence correctly.

Very busy vacuuming.

Okay, not all work, but a little play too.  Here he's trying to suck Katie's leg.

He kept saying "Katie, get outta here, I'm busy!"

Here he is telling me that it's not time to flip them...

....and I guess 5 seconds later it is time to flip!

Doing the dishes....more or less rinsing them while I put them in the dishwasher.

I went on a cleaning frenzy one after noon and basically any toy that could be washed was washed, including all their toy kitchen items.  Mikey wanted to wash his cars.... the car wash.....

....that he set up in the sink.  

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