Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Checking In

Hey everyone!

Just checking in with you all.  I'm doing great after surgery.

We got to the hospital about 6:30 am and we left the hospital about 3:30 pm.  After waiting for a while (they were behind schedule) I did a quick training circuit in the waiting room area to burn off some anxiety and got some crazy looks by other patients.  I didn't care though, it made me feel better.  The surgery itself was quick, about 1 hour, and I had minimal pain. The doctor said everything went really well.

About 2 days after taking it easy and feeling great, I was weening myself off the pain meds and the anesthesia was wearing off and I was really sick for about 18 hours but am now feeling back up to par.

I had my first cleaning at the doctors office today and he said I'm exceeding his expectations and that I should just keep doing what I'm doing (which is a whole lot of nothing) because it's working.  Typically, I will have 2 more cleanings over the next 2 weeks and then in about 2 months if all goes well I'll be completely out of the woods!  He reminded me yet again, that even though I'm feeling well I really do need to take it easy for another week and a half, as I can quickly tire myself out, catch an infection (which is apparently really easy to do during the recovery period), over do it, etc.

Thanks so much for all the thoughts and prayers.  Hoping to get back to my old self real soon!

A GPS unit on my hospital bracelet.  They would have tracked me down, had I decided to make a run for it.

Lots of waiting. I was in 2 nice over-sized, itchy, paper gowns for most of the day.

Drive home.  I was really out of it and bleeding a lot.

Day 1 post surgery- tired/ rough night and less bleeding.

5 days post surgery, right after cleaning.

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