Saturday, September 8, 2012

My plan was not His plan for me

Sometimes I realize that my plans don't necessarily mesh with God's plans but in the end his plans are always better than mine.  :)

Case in point:  Labor Day Parade = washout. 

We just recently celebrated our 6 month milestone of living in NYC and I couldn't believe that we have yet to go to a parade.  This is actually a huge feat I think.  New Yorkers have a parade for everything on any given day.  For a few weeks I have had it on my calendar that we would march our family up to 5th avenue to enjoy this parade.  The temperature outside was perfect, it was a Saturday meaning Scott could join us and Mikey was excited to see the cars and cranes and trucks.  Everything was just as it should have been except for the rain. 

We left our apartment building and walked 1/2 block before it started to rain so we walked back under the awning of our apt. building and waited for the rain to stop. 5 minutes later we decided to give it another go and walked 1 block this time before the rain started again.  Back to our apt. building we went.  After spending 20 minutes just standing in front of our apt. building conversing whether or not we should go, looking at the clouds, pulling the latest weather up on our phones, grabbing umbrellas, telling Mikey to patiently wait a few more minutes, it started to rain harder.  I've recently decided that I've been spending my life at playgrounds and wanted a different experience for me and the kids, so I really had it stuck in my head that we were going to go to this parade no matter what!  We'll it started to rain and rain hard and harder and the weather looked like it was just going to get worse and there would be lightening in which case they would have cancelled the parade so we had no choice but to go back to our apt. 

Luckily Scott had a genius idea of finding a parade on youtube on the TV for Mikey to watch for 20 minutes or so.  (He started crying once we went back inside.  He really wanted to go see cranes and trucks!)  Of course I didn't want to watch a parade on the TV inside our tiny apt. I wanted to go out!  So Scott told me to get out of the house and he would watch the kids and I wasn't to come back until dinner time.  Really?!  Maybe I should pout more often!  HA!!  Anyway, I told him I didn't want to leave the house for 6 hours.  What I really wanted to do and have been wanting to do for months was to do a yoga class.  I quickly looked up a few classes near by and the winner was a Hot Yoga class at Pure Yoga.  Typically, the only way you can do yoga at this place is to become a member for only $345/ month (Yeah right!  Maybe if we sell the car I could afford that!) but I called and the manager said I could actually try out a few classes for FREE before deciding on a membership. 

I grabbed my friend Jen who also wasn't having the best day and her and I calmed our bodies and sweated out our toxins during this class.  We left dripping wet but super happy.  After a stop at a fresh juice joint we both went home relaxed and feeling like ourselves! 

So my rough start to the day ended on a very happy note.

P.S. I'm glad we didn't go to the parade.  I don't think it got rained out but the weather was severe enough in the area that there were 2 tornados that touched down in Brooklyn and Queens.

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel-that will stand.
Proverbs 19:21

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