Saturday, September 29, 2012


In preparation for our trip (we wanted to make sure the kids were nice and tired) we decided to take both the kids to gymnastics class.

Scott took Mikey to NYC Elite for gymnastics class.  We walk past the place on our way to school and Mikey l.o.v.e.d it!  I mean hasn't stopped talking about it and talks about it every time we go past it on the way to school. 

I took Katie to a new place that just opened called The Little Gym.  She also liked the class, was very social, interested in all the equipment, hung on to the bars for long periods of time, and walked on the balance beam without holding onto either my hands or the instructors hands.  We sang songs, played with bouncy balls and had parachute time also.  \

Both great places, not just need to get over the sticker shock and sign them both up.

I only snuck in one pic as we were leaving the Little Gym.

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