Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day trip to CT

Scott had to go to CT for work and we all decided to tag along with him for the day.  I was just pleased to go for a car ride as were the kids.  We were up early and out the door at 6:30 to go across the street to Avis to pick up our rental. 

We drove about an hour north to Norwalk, CT and dropped Scott off for work.  We enjoyed breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, I drove around the cute town of Westport while the kids napped in the car, we went to TJMaxx, had lunch at Panera Bread, went to the bank and drove to visit friends of ours who live in Fairfield, CT where the kids played for a little while before we drove back to pick up Scott.

While at the bank, I found it a little odd that while I was in CT, I filled out an out of state deposit slip for our bank account that we opened in New Hampshire, wrote down my NY address and my chicago phone number.  Just another reminder of Scott moving me all over the country! Ha.

It was really nice to get out in the fresh air and CT reminded me so much of the New England states we came to know when we were living in New Hampshire.  Same feel, same crazy street signs (with no cross street sign), same twisty, windy roads and very friendly people!

Just what we needed!

Went past the Melissa and Doug headquarters.  They make the wooden kids toys.

Fresh air and a car ride always do the trick.  She got car sick on the ride home.

Same with him.  Love when they are sleeping!
He couldn't sit still at Dunkin Donuts from all that sugar.

Trying to get comfy.

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