Sunday, September 2, 2012

Labor Day Picnic

We celebrated the end of summer by enjoying a Labor Day picnic in Central Park with all of our KPMG friends.  The picnic was our first chance to meet many other KPMG Dads, Moms and their kids.  It was a huge picnic and I think roughly 50 or maybe more people were there. 

We all brought our own dinners and the kids enjoyed playing games, chasing each other and running around.  We also celebrated a birthday for Henry, so chocolate cake was in order.  I think Mikey sat down to eat some cake but he was up and being Mr. Explorer within a few mins.  What a fun way to enjoy the city, friends and summer!

This was just a quarter of our picnic section.

Love this casual way to spend a Sunday evening.

Time for games.

Katie playing so nice on a blanket with Quinn.

Love that she sits still for periods of time, so we can chase Mikey around.

This tractor kept him occupied for a bit.

More games.

Katie and I and Mikey in the background.

Katie throwing the ball to Alex and Quinn.

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