Mikey had his first day of playgroup (we have been calling it school) today at
Art Farm in the City. He'll be going there on Monday and Wednesday mornings thru the end of December.
I woke up this morning feeling excited and anxious and a little nervous. Ridiculous feelings I know. Reminded me of how I felt on my first day of high school....only this is 16 years later! I didn't know what to expect, I didn't know if I would like his teachers or the layout of his day. I didn't know if I'd like the other kids in his class. I didn't know if Mikey would be one of the oldest kids in his class, the class is aimed for 2 to 3 year olds. I didn't know how Mikey would respond; would he be enthuastic, cautious, scared, nervous. I didn't know if Mikey would listen to the teachers or if he would act out and not be a willing participant. Of course I knew what I wanted to happen, I wanted Mikey to be brave, I wanted him to listen to his teachers and share the toys and most of all I wanted to see him smiling and engaged.
Well, I am one pround Momma! His first day couldn't have gone better. The teachers asked that the parents/care givers/ nannies stay for the duration of class the first few classes so that there is a gentle separation into the program so I got to see everything. Mary came over to watch Katie, while I went to school with Mikey. Thanks Mary!!
His day started out playing downstairs with toys and animals. He wasn't interested in something unless it was a truck. He took a quick look around at all the animals...honestly it's like a farm right in the middle of the city..hence the name. They had turtles, birds, rabbits, reptiles, fish, hamsters, etc. Just so many to list out. After about 20 mins they cleaned up the toys and Mikey helped. I couldn't believe it, I basically have to pull out my hair to get him to clean up his toys, or promise we can get out the air mattress in which case he'll gladly pick everything up in 2 seconds. They went over the rules, and sang some songs to wake up their bodies, picture "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and like songs. Afterwards they lined up and my little guy was first in line and washed his hands and helped give out snacks once the kids were upstairs. He was the first to finish his snack and played while the other kids finished theirs. After snack came more playing then it was arts and crafts time. Mikey did great and followed the 4 step instructions to complete his craft, he was the first one done and helped clean up too! That's my boy! We then went into another room specifically for music and had music time, ball and bubble time and finished the day with a parachute. Mikey loved going in the music room and jumped around and pretended to sleep when the teacher turned off the lights and was a certain animal when the lights came back on. He kicked the balls around and was so excited to pop all the bubbles. The parachute he wasn't into...but one thing he didn't want to do the entire morning, I'll take it! Can't believe how big he is getting. Love you Mikey!!
P.S. - He was talking so much during school and thankfully the other 5 kids in his class are right around the same age as him, meaning they will be 3 soon. There were no kids in the class that had just turned 2. I can't believe that starting in October we'll be going to other schools to look at preschool for the 2013-2014 school year. It's crazy here in NYC.
First day of "school." |
Their very enticing entrance is covered with toys. |
only part of the farm downstairs. the big pen in the foreground is for the bunnies. |
Mikey and I. |
Checking out the fish. |
Washing his hands to get ready for snack. |
Showing his Monkey face to show that he's listening with his ears. |
Snack time. |
Craft time. |
Doing it all by himself. |
Isn't it beautiful! |
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