Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Children's Museum

This Saturday we decided to take a drive east to Hartford to visit (The Children's Museum).  We've heard great things about it from family members and decided since they were calling for rain today that it would be the perfect Saturday activity.

It was so much fun and I wished we lived closer.  There were so many neat exhibits and an awesome planetarium and space section as well as a water play area that we saved for last.

Waiting a few minutes for it to open. She's excited!

Mikey and I went in this first and then Daddy hopped in and was so silly; acting as if he was getting blown away!

This dino moved and opened and closed his mouth...each time we walked past it Katie covered her eyes.

Playing an oldy but goody game.

Katie making a computer image of herself.

Playing a ski game.

He said this was his favorite until we got to the water making tornado.

Daddy and Katie building blocks.

I had some fun with this 360 degree camera that they usually have at the Oscars.
Scott and Mikey laying back and learning about space.  He said he'd like one of these chairs for Father's Day.

Katie wanted to explore space too!

This huge projector displayed different things on the floor. Bubbles to pop, light up squares that danced to music and a xylophone.

We all liked this station....cones filtered air through them and you had to control the beach balls.

Mikey was really good at it!

We saved the water area for last in case they got wet, which they did.  Mikey was at this station almost the entire time we were here.

Once we came home, we walked the dog and rode on our bikes and scooter and we quenched our thirst at the lemonade stand in our neighborhood.  That's Nick in the background.  Such a good kid and him and his sister Elly made great lemonade.

Such a busy day.  Katie went upstairs and 5 minutes later I found her like this.  She slept from 5:30 pm until 6 am the following morning!

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