Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Beardsley Zoo

Since we didn't go into the zoo on Mother's Day I decided to take the kids today.  I knew it would be much less crowded, so we rushed in the morning to pack lunch and get ready for our day and right after speech we went to the zoo.


This beautiful peacock showed us his feathers.

How do you measure up?!

We got their right in the morning as the animals were being fed and they were all active.

See the top of Katie's head.  They have tunnels you can crawl through then peak your head up in the gopher exhibit.

I spy Mikey.

There he is!

Their favorite thing to do there.

Crawling around like spiders.

They had a gorgeous merry-go-round with retired horses on display.  So pretty.

Going for a spin.

He was so happy to ride.

So was she.

Such a bright and colorful bird.

2 day old piggies.  See them huddled together sleeping.  They were so cute.  I wish I could have held one.

We spotted this old sign in the barn at the zoo.

Goats to feed.

Beautiful bald eagles.  They was no roof on this exhibit so they could technically fly off or even fly right to me, there was nothing to separate.

He does make a cute peacock.  Katie wanted no part of this.

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