Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Meet the teachers day.

One week before school officially begins for the kids, our school held a meet the teachers day.  What a great idea.  We got to spend about an hour between both of the kids rooms and meet their teachers, other parents and the other kids of course.

 In Katie's class we were instructed to find something that our child seemed to really be into whether it's the books, coloring/drawing, play-doh, babies, a specific toy and talk about it all week leading up to the first day of school. Katie really liked the markers and drawing. It gives them something to remember and look forward to.  In Mikeys' class, it was just fun playing with all the toys and meeting the kids.

Both kids seem really excited for school to begin as am I.  I think they will really enjoy it.

At the book corner in her class room.

A successful meet the teachers day.  Mikey was satisfied and ready to go when it was over.

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