Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Katie's 2 year checkup

We took our first trip to our new doctor here in Stamford for Katie's 2 year checkup.  She received stellar reviews and also received 2 shots and a finger prick.   Our new doctor just happened to be new to the practice as well and is from right outside of Philly.  Small world.

Katie's stats are as follows:

33 inches long - 25%  up from 30 inches at her 18 month check up.
26 lbs. and 12 oz - 25-50%  up from 23 lbs. and 6 oz at her 18 month check up.

She cried during her shots and cried even harder when the nurse tried to put on the band aids.  The nurse said some kids just won't wear band aids because it signifies a boo boo.  So she did without the band aids.
This is what she wore to the doctors.  I'm glad McDonalds gave her off so she could get a check up.

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