Sunday, August 25, 2013

Camping out....I mean in.

 I have been wanting to go camping with the kids all summer.  I remember doing it during my childhood and sort of consider it a rite of passage each summer.  I mean, you can't fully enjoy summer until you camp out right?!

Anyway I had every intention of setting up the tent early and letting the kids play in it for a while and then naturally we would all sleep outside in the tent.  Well we forgot that we live on a busy street and the traffic can be pretty noisy when you're outside and we don't exactly live in a rural area. So we took down camp about 8:30pm and set it back up in Mikey's bedroom since we promised the kids we'd sleep in the tent.  They seemed just fine with our updated plan as was I since I got to sleep in my bed and not on the hard floor.

Everyone enjoying the new activity.

Getting all tucked in.

They loved their turtle night light and the stars it displayed on the tent.

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